HBN Au Pair Community

Events & Fun

HBN organizes 3  leuke evenementen per year and guess what… participation is free! We want all our Au Pairs to be able to join our events, as this the perfect way to meet others, enjoy the Dutch Culture and we also love having all our Au Pairs together having fun. We like to stay in touch with you and have a little catch up session at the events.

Training & Opleiding

We organize a mandatory welcome meeting on a monthly basis. We also arrange first- aid trainings specialized in children emergencies for you to join.

Tips & Advies

We like to care for you during the Au Pair Program and thus want to give you tools, advice and guidance to make this year a success.  Follow us on Instagram to get even more tips and advice to making your Au Pair year unforgettable- hbn_aupair Check out the following tips.